Turns out, there’s a lot—every year hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost to missed doctor appointments, many which could have been prevented with SMS messaging reminders.
In a study conducted by NHS England, DNA (did-not-attend) rates decreased by 20% when patients received automated SMS messages that gave patients the option to change or accept alternative medical appointment dates. In fact, the survey showed that 91% of patients were open to going to last-minute appointments, and 50% of canceled appointments could be quickly rescheduled through SMS messaging.
This saves money and time for hospitals and medical practices, as it is much easier to reach patients through text than other means i.e. calling and leaving a voicemail and hoping to get a response in time.
There are many more benefits to SMS messaging in healthcare than just this one use case. While the industry has previously been slow to adopt SMS solutions due in part to misconceptions about patient security, many hospitals are now incorporating e-messaging to reduce strains on hospital infrastructure, improve communication during medical emergencies and optimize patient care.
Here are ways hospitals and physicals are using text messaging as a service provider:
Data247 offers Email-to-MMS services that can help with the above and more, to learn about our solutions or start a free trial click here: https://www.data247.com/register/main